The animated city of Pattaya hosts many cultural events, festivals, concerts and sports competitions throughout the year.
Songkran Festival
Songkran Festival in Thailand is the Thai New Year Festival, water symbolises "cleansing" and a new start. People throw water at one another as a sign of letting go of the past and the negative things that happened and welcoming the new year.
A unique experience only in Thailand
Celebration of the Thai New Year with water
11- 20 April, 2017
Wonderfruit Festival
The Wonderfruit Festival in Pattaya is a combination of music, arts and extravaganza with a mix of Thai, Asian and Western cultures and performances. World renown and local artist perform at the festival every year!
Suitable for everyone
Family Friendly
Variety of music genres and art
Pattaya International Firework Festival
An amazing competition of flare and fireworks between multiple countries, one of the year's loudest and most spectacular events in Pattaya! Spanning over two days, the first day being a sneak peak of each contestant and the final day is the full performance 45 minutes each!
Spectacular Fireworks
Street fair along Beach Road
Pattaya Music Festival
Three days of Rock and Roll, enjoy quality music from some of the best local artists. Thailand has a thriving Rock scene and the Pattaya Music Festival attracts the best young bands in Thailand!