Movenpick Casablanca
Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca’s address is:
Rond Point Hassan II,
Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca is conveniently located close to popular attractions including:
Some of the property amenities which guest can look forward to when staying at Mövenpick HotelCasablanca, include:
When guests stay at Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca they can expect our 5 star hotel rooms in Casablanca to have the following amenities and more:
Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca offers a range of dining options to cater to the tastes of all our guests, these include:
We have a wide variety of spa treatments on offer at la Rose du Désert Spa at Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca, these include:
Feel free to contact us anytime online via Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca’s email address
When guests choose to stay at Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca, they can choose from the following room options:
The safety of our guests and employees is of the utmost importance, as a result Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca has implemented ALLSAFE label procedures. This includes enhanced cleaning protocols and a safer approach to dining. For more information please refer to the ALLSAFE label procedures.
We have an emergency Covid-19 Unit that is trained to follow all sanitary measures in case of a positive case of Covid-19.
The safety of our guests and employees is of the utmost importance, as a result Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca has implemented ALLSAFE label procedures. This includes enhanced cleaning protocols and a safer approach to dining. For more information please refer to the ALLSAFE label procedures.
Mövenpick Hotel Casablanca is certified with: