



游览约旦西南部沙漠中的全球最宝贵的考古胜地之一。佩特拉曾是纳巴泰王国的首都,如今珍贵华丽的庙宇和墓穴无不展示着其厚重丰富、璀璨迷人的历史。 经过一条狭长的峡谷通道来到这座古城,带您回到远古时代。这座因高耸云霄的粉红色悬崖峭壁而得名的“玫瑰之城”拥有无数的自然美景和文化瑰宝。罗马剧院和带有柱廊的街道带您体验如今的佩特拉,两座博物馆——佩特拉考古博物馆和佩特拉纳巴泰博物馆——则带您了解这座魅力城市的过去。 瑞享酒店及度假村在佩特拉设有两座酒店:坐落在这座城市门户位置的佩特拉瑞享度假村和距离佩特拉古城仅 10 分钟车程的纳巴泰城堡瑞享酒店。

我们的酒店 佩特拉

Mövenpick Petra

Located directly at the entrance to the historical Nabatean city of Petra, the luxurious Mövenpick Resort Petra is certainly one of the most notable hotels in the Middle East. The resort is renowned for its intricate Arabesque interior design and its coll ection of antiques and artwork. Boasting 183 rooms and suites, seven restaurants, lounges, bars, attractive roof garden, library and gift shop, the resort also offers a wellness center with outdoor swimming pool, steam bath, and fitness center.

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