



游览岛国斯里兰卡,入住瑞享酒店及度假村设有首都科伦坡的五星级豪华酒店。坐落在印度洋东南海岸的斯里兰卡(旧称“锡兰”)拥有美丽的国家公园、古老的佛教遗址和优良的制茶传统。 探索魅力岛国,领略自然奇观。在首都进行商务活动,或观光游览或购物逛街,感受斯里兰卡文化。斯里兰卡提供缤纷体验,让您不虚此行。

Mövenpick Colombo "DELETED"

Mövenpick Hotel is strategically located in the heart of Colombo with 219 spacious rooms and suites boasting views of the city and Indian Ocean. Entrain on a journey of culinary pleasures at 5 unique dining venues. This 5-star hotel faces the Galle Road and is just 35 mins from the Colombo airport. The hotel is in an affluent commercial area with a shopping arcade next door, the local market opposite the road, US embassy, Indian high commission and popular historic sites located within proximity.

探索其他目的地: 亚洲